A document has one of three security states: secure, insecure, or
mixed. The security indicator, located at the screen's bottom-left,
is a doorkey on blue for secure documents and a broken doorkey on
gray for insecure documents. The secure doorkey icon varies slightly
depending on the grade of encryption: the doorkey has two teeth for
high-grade and one tooth for medium-grade. The colorbar over the
content area is blue for secure and gray for insecure. A mixed
document, with insecure information omitted, is shown as secure.
A URL beginning with <b>https://</b> shows that the document came from
a secure server. To connect to an HTTP server that offers security,
insert the letter "s" so that the URL begins with <b>https://</b>.
Use <b>http://</b> otherwise. Similarly, a news URL that starts with
<b>snews:</b> (instead of <b>news:</b>) shows that the document comes
from a secure news server (again, insert the letter "s" if your news
server offers security). Use two slashes (<b>//</b>) after the colon
(<b>:</b>) for news servers other than the default one. Chose the
<b>File/Document Information</b> menu item for security details.
A secure document can only have inline information from secure
sources. The insecure information on a mixed security document is
replaced by a mixed security icon. Bringing a mixed security document
to screen produces a notification dialog.
If a form appears on a secure page that has an insecure submit
process, a notification dialog always appears. The warning states
that although the document is secure, the submission you are about to
make is insecure and could be compromised by a third party. If you
are sending passwords, credit cards numbers, or other information you
would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the
If an insecure document contains secure information (either inline or
as part of a form), no special action is taken. The document is
considered insecure. This includes insecure forms with secure
submission processes.
Several notification dialog boxes inform you about the security status
of documents. You can choose whether or not to receive these dialogs
by setting the panel items in <b>Options/Preferences/Security</b> (or
by unchecking a dialog's <b>Show this Alert Next Time</b> box).
<b>Notification dialog boxes</b>
<li>When entering a secure document space, you are notified the
secure document is encrypted when transferred to you and any
information you send back is also encrypted.
<li>When leaving a secure document space, you are notified the
insecure document could be observed by a third party when transferred
to you and any information you send back could also be read by a
third party.
<li>When viewing a document with a mix of secure and insecure
information, you are notified the secure document that you just
loaded contained some insecure information that will not be shown.
<li>When you submit a form using any insecure submit process, you
are notified the submission process you are about to use is insecure.
This means that the information you are sending could be compromised
by a third party.
<li>You will always be notified if the document was expected to be
a secure document but is actually an insecure document (the document
location has been redirected to an insecure document). This means
that a third party could observe the document you are about to
<HR ALIGN="right"WIDTH=85%>
<A NAME="C5">
<FONT SIZE=+3>W</FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>indow controls and error messages</FONT>
<li><b>Close box</b>
<br>Click in the close box to close the page window. On WIndows, closing the last window exits the Netscape application.
<li><b>Zoom box</b>
<br>Click in the zoom box to toggle the size of the page window to
one of two sizes: the full size of the screen or, if already full
size, the previous size of the window.
<li><b>Resize box</b>
<br>Hold down the mouse button in the resize box and drag to resize
the window to any size.
<li><b>Scroll bars</b>
<br>Scroll with either the vertical or horizontal scroll bars to see
different portions of a page's content area.
<li><b>Copying text</b>
<br>Hold down the mouse button in the content area and drag to select
portions of text. Then select <b>File/Copy</b> to copy to the
clipboard. Alternatively, you can select text by clicking once in the
content area to position the selection marker (a horizontal bar),
then hold down the shift key and click a second time with the cursor
pointing to another position. The text between the selection marker
and the cursor position will be selected.
<li><b>Error messages</b>
<br>Error messages may result from a variety of situations, some
relating to the operation of the Netscape application, others to the
operation of the Internet network. The Netscape application tries to
evaluate any problem that is encountered and present you with
information to help you solve or circumvent the problem. The most
common error messages result from trying to bring a page that is not
currently available. The server issuing the page may be temporarily
shut down or too busy with other connections to handle your request.
Or the page may no longer be at the location specified by the URL.
Some error messages suggest actions you can take. Occasionally, error
messages refer to technical aspects of the problem that may appear
cryptic to most users. If you would like to report a problem, you
should note the exact wording of the error message. The <b>Help</b>
menu offers items for giving feedback and getting support.
[If any of the error messages displayed make you question the availability of the AT&T WorldNet Services network, please contact Customer Service. AT&T is committed to providing you with the very best Internet reliability, services, and support.]